Helping Israel to Thrive.

Supporting Mission through prayer


The nation of Israel and its people are chosen by God. The Lord called Israel the "apple of His eye" (Deut. 32:10). And because Israel is a chosen nation, the devil has invested all his dirty weapons against this holy nation. There was always a spirit of darkness fighting against Israel, but lately, we can see the growth of antisemitism and the overwhelming animosity against Zion. In times like this, God has called us to be united in prayer for Israel. More than that., God went further and chose a day of the year, International Day of Prayer for Israel (IDOPFI).

Who we are.

We are those whom God has called to raise our voices and prayers for Israel. So, IDOPFI is a movement of prayer for Israel. Our purpose is that churches worldwide embrace this vision and become an intercessor to Israel. God said in Genesis 12:2-3, "I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse, and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you." (NIV)


What we do.

At International Day of Prayer for Israel (IDOPFI), we are committed to standing with Israel and always being in prayer for the strength of this nation. We must pray for security, sovereignty, and democrats' decision. We must pray for Israel to have the right to defend itself, pray to God to protect Israel, and pray so the nation can open their eyes and accept their Messiah.


IPOPFI Annual Event.

The chosen day is May 21, exactly seven days after Israel commemorates its independence, May 14. God's will is for Christian and his churches worldwide to be standing with Israel and to lift Israel in prayer to His name. We must speak out and act in defense of Israel and the Jewish people. IDOPFI has been called to be a voice that will speak out and bring these needs to churches and Christian around the world. We as Christians must combat any antisemitism, prejudice, injustice, and indifference committed against Israel.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.
